
Calligraphic Art (Knife)

Land Scape

Etching Art

Ceramic Work

Water Color

Symbiosis Concept in Art Journey of Line (Mix Media)

Calligraphic Art (Journey of Line)

Symbiosis Concept in Art Journey of Line (Pastel)

Spiritual Art (Whirling Dervishes)


Symbolic Art
Muhammad Shafique Farooqi
Pride of Performance

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shafique Farooqi is a renowned and one of Legendary Painters of Pakistan, He is known for his innovative and dynamic approach to art, which blends traditional techniques with modern styles and themes.
He was born in 1942 in Sialkot, Pakistan. He had done his Master from Istanbul University in 1997. In his 67 years of his art career he has done more than 14,000 art pieces and 110 Solo shows in USA, England, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Germany, Sudan, France, Canada, Holland, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Pakistan. He has mastered the arts of Free hand Sketches Calligraphy, Landscape, Watercolor, Etching, Symbolic art, ceramic art, Symbiosis concept of art (Journey of Line) and Spiritual art (Whirling Dervishes), Mr. Shafique Farooqi was conferred with President (of Pakistan) Pride of Performance, in recognition of his meritorious contribution to the field of arts in 2021.
Mr. Shafique Farooqi spent almost 17 Years of his life in Turkey from 1983 to 1999 and honorably represented Pakistan at all levels. He received 5 prestigious awards during his stay in Turkey. He taught Islamic Calligraphy and Landscape of Pakistan to hundreds of students. In Turkey, he creates the concept his work is influenced by Sufi mysticism. In this series of paintings, he uses the whirling dervish “SEMA” of the Mevlevi order as his inspiration. During his stay in Turkey.
Mr. Shafique Farooq received 30 National and international Awards and 14 honors in the field of art and received (President’s Pride of performance award)
Mr. Shafique Farooqi Published 8 books book in field of art and working on his 9th Book.

In his mid-career, Shafique Farooqi delved into calligraphic painting, focusing on the Arabic alphabet. He departed from traditional methods, employing brushes and palette knives to convey the inherent character and mood of each letter. Farooqi believed that each letter possesses its own personality, and it is the artist’s duty to express this essence.
His calligraphic artworks are characterized by dynamic compositions and a harmonious blend of colors, reflecting his deep understanding of Sufi mysticism. Farooqi’s innovative approach to calligraphy has garnered international acclaim, with his works featured in numerous exhibitions worldwide

A Sign of the Time
Shafique Farooqi

Shafique Farooqi Official
Living In
Islamabad, Pakistan
+92 300 5036836